“Taking Democracy for Granted: Philanthropy, Polarization, and the Need for Responsible Pluralism,” SNF Agora Institute Report, Johns Hopkins University, July 2024.
“Leading to Govern,” Democracy: A Journal of Ideas, Summer 2024.
“A Madisonian Party System,” National Affairs, Fall 2023
“Finally, Moderate Republicans Will Have Their Say,” Democracy: A Journal of Ideas, Fall 2023.
“A Time for Statesmanship,” National Affairs, Summer 2021, pp. 139-152.
“We Depend on Well-Led and Well-Managed Grantees,” Funding Performance: How Great Donors Invest in Grantee Success, Leap of Reason Ambassadors Community, 2021, pp. 31-33.
“We Need More Christian Partisanship, Not Less,” Breaking Ground, October 23, 2020.
“The Futures of Congress: Scenarios for the U.S. 2050 Project,” March 15, 2019, working paper for the U.S. 2050 Project, Peter G. Peterson Foundation.
“Civil Society and the Foundations of Democratic Citizenship,” August 16, 2018, post for the “Civil Society in the 21st Century” series, Stanford Social Innovation Review.
“Reflections on the APSA Congressional Fellowship from the Vantage Point of a Non-Academic Career,” January 2018, PS: Political Science and Politics, pp. 137-139.
“Streamlining a Foundation Initiative’s Grant Practices,” with Jillian Misrack Galbete, November 7, 2017, Stanford Social Innovation Review.
“Two Pathways for Congressional Reform,” in William F. Connelly, Jr., et al. eds., Is Congress Broken? The Virtues and Defects of Partisanship and Gridlock (Washington, DC, Brookings Institution Press, 2017), pp. 11-36.
“What Does It Take to Implement Evidence-Based Practices? A Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Shows the Way,” with Alex Neuhoff, Laura Burkhauser, and Bradley Seeman, November 2013, Bridgespan Group white paper.
“Pay for Success is Not a Panacea,” April 2013, Community Development Investment Review, pp. 13-18.
“How is Investing in ‘What Works’ Working? Early Feedback from Nonprofits Participating in the Social Innovation Fund,” with Jeff Bradach, Jolie Glaser, and Stephanie Sud, November 2012, Bridgespan Group white paper.
“Dismantling the Social Services Industrial Complex,” April 25, 2012, Washington Post.
“Five Ways to Navigate the Fiscal Crisis,” with Willa Seldon, Winter 2012, Stanford Social Innovation Review, pp. 36-41.
“Strongly Led, Under-Managed: How Can Visionary Nonprofits Make the Transition to Stronger Leadership,” with Jeff Bradach, January 2009, Strategy and Leadership, pp. 35-40.